Monday, June 18, 2012

Fukushima Radioactive Seawater Impact Map

Remember Fukushima: Presenting The Radioactive Seawater Impact Map

A few days after the one year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster, nobody talks about it anymore. After all it’s “fixed”, and if it isn’t, the Fed will fix it. Remember in the New Normal nothing bad is allowed the happen. So for those who have forgotten, here is a reminder.

From ASR, a global coastal and marine consulting firm, The Radioactive Seawater Impact Map
Remember Fukushima: Presenting The Radioactive Seawater Impact Map Radioactive%20water 0

We use a Lagrangian particles dispersal method to track where free floating material (fish larvae, algae, phytoplankton, zooplankton…) present in the sea water near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station plant could have gone since the earthquake on March 11th. THIS IS NOT A REPRESENTATION OF THE RADIOACTIVE PLUME CONCENTRATION. Since we do not know exactly how much contaminated water and at what concentration was released into the ocean, it is impossible to estimate the extent and dilution of the plume. However, field monitoring by TEPCO showed concentration of radioactive Iodine and Cesium higher than the legal limit during the next two months following the event (with a peak at more than 100 Bq/cm3 early April 2011 for I-131 as shown by the following picture).
Assuming that a part of the passive biomass could have been contaminated in the area, we are trying to track where the radionuclides are spreading as it will eventually climb up the food chain. The computer simulation presented here is obtained by continuously releasing particles at the site during the 2 months folllowing the earthquake and then by tracing the path of these particles. The dispersal model is ASR’s Pol3DD. The model is forced by hydrodynamic data from the HYCOM/NCODA system which provides on a weekly basis, daily oceanic current in the world ocean. The resolution in this part of the Pacific Ocean is around 8km x 8km cells. We are treating only the sea surface currents. The dispersal model keeps a trace of their visits in the model cells. The results here are expressed in number of visit per surface area of material which has been in contact at least once with the highly concentrated radioactive water.

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A free online encyclopedia of natural health knowledge from the industry's top authors and writers. This website is an amazing research tool that allows you to find quotes from natural health books on more than 50,000 topics.

A free public service to promote health freedom and empower consumers with information about the healing power of foods.

A free public service to promote health freedom and empower consumers with information about the healing power of herbs.

A free public service to promote health freedom and empower consumers with information about the healing power of supplements.

A free public service to promote health freedom and empower consumers with information about the healing power of nutrients.

This free to download food guide offers genuine nutritional information, not watered-down information designed to boost the sale of milk, beef and grains.
While the lying governments of the world continue to insist that Fukushima is "no big deal," all the evidence shows otherwise. Here's a map showing the spread of radiation across the Pacific Ocean.

Because of the high number of data points here, it looks like this is a hybrid combination of some gathered data combined with computer modeling of ocean currents.

Prepper Links


Army Field Manuals (tons of resources and manuals in PDF) )

Boy Scout Fieldbook (online version in PDF)  

Country Wisdom & Know-How Everything You Need to Know to Live Off the Land from the Editors of Storey Books (they have lots of great books)
Countryside & Small Stock Journal magazine

The Covert Prepper's Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse and any other disasters! and Impossible is Nothing by James Smith  (Two separate titles by Smith that are filled with
tips, tricks, and techniques on how to keep you, your family, and your property safe.)
Crisis Preparedness Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival by Jack A. Spigarelli (a comprehensive guide to home storage and physical survival)

The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook by Joseph Alton M.D. and Amy Alton ARNP (a comprehensive resource packed with integrative medical strategies for all the likely medical issues you may encounter in a disaster or catastrophic scenario) 

GRIT magazine Rural American Know-How
Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family by Arthur T Bradley, PhD  (430-page book with photos, illustrations and worksheets to help you prepare)
I AM POSITIVE by J.J. Johnson, founder of (free PDF ebook explains all of the critical steps you should take during a survival situation)

Making the Best of Basics: Family Preparedness Guide by James T Stevens (over 500+ pages of preparedness resources, etc)

Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson Kearny (OISM offers the ebook for free online)
The Prepper's Coupon Guide  (This is not just a guide about coupons; it’s a guide on how to effectively incorporate them into your lifestyle and especially the prepping lifestyle.)
Red Jeans Ink  (SAVE YOUR HORSE! book on large animal rescue, LAR safety classes + pet first aid classes) 

Survival Mom by Lisa Bedford (food storage systems, tips on water purification, sanitation, safety and security, kits, alternative energy sources and more from a Mom's perspective) catalog (James Wesley Rawles' books and recommended titles by Rawles)
When Technology Fails by Matthew Stein  (a Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability and Surviving the Long Emergency)
Where There is No Doctor, Where There is No Dentist, etc  (many free online community health publications by Hesperian Foundation)
SITES / PODCASTS / BLOGS AfroPrepper YouTube channel (discussions on Food and self reliance, Firearms and First aid + Telling it like it is news series) .. and SheChef (Mrs AfroPrepper) channel (demonstrations and discussions about cooking, canning, food prep, shopping tips, etc)

Americans Networking To Survive - A.N.T.S. (volunteer survival network comprised of individuals working together to provide other members basic supplies during disasters) 

American Preppers Network  (also has a forum, Prepper state networks, resources, etc)

APN's Custom Prepper Search  (Google search box to find all things prepper)

Canadian Preppers Network  (also has Provincial networks, resources, etc

The Covert Prepper  (resources, discussions and vids about prepping discreetly, survival, etc. James also has a radio show on PPRN)

Destiny Survival  (survival & preparedness blog w/ links to survival gear & supplies, resources, etc. John also hosts Destiny Survival Radio on PRN)

Dr Bones & Nurse Amy  (resources including articles, podcasts, videos and more on survival medicine. Also check out their book The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine handbook)

Emergency Food and Gear  (discussions on food, gear, politics and more
)  (disaster preparedness & survival links, videos, resources, etc)

Emergency Home Preparation  (a 'card-catalog' style of prepping information)

A Homesteading Neophyte  (tips about foods, homesteading, homeschooling, etc)  (preparedness tips and resources for the Jewish community)

Modern Survival blog  (providing modern survival information to help you be prepared
)  (
prepping tips on food storage, nutrition, safety issues, etc)  (discussions about various topics from food prep to storage to living the sustainable lifestyle)

Pioneer Living Magazine
  (also has a member forum, podcasts, online magazine, etc)

Prepper Broadcasting Network  (daily blogtalkradio shows about prepping and self-reliance with free archives)

Prepper Podcast
  (daily blogtalkradio shows showcase survival & preparedness topics & blogs across the web w/ free archives)

Prepping on a Budget (blog mission is simply to “promote prepping, promote self-awareness, promote safety, and promote ways to prep on a budget")

PRN (Preparedness Radio Network)  (Doctor Prepper + other blogtalkradio shows with archives)

Ready Nutrition  (prepping tips on food storage, nutrition, health and safety, etc)

Reality Survival  (blog & videos about wilderness, urban & rural + primitive survival tips and resources, gear & supplies, etc.)

Riverwalker’s Stealth Survival  (great tips for "staying above the water line!")

Solar Baby  (homesteading journey of living off the grid with solar energy)  (the daily web log for prepared individuals living in uncertain times)  (proven and tested common sense survival techniques that anyone should learn when living in urban areas or wandering about in the wilderness)

Survival Chic  (survival with style, everyday gardening tips, etc) 
The Survival Doctor  (resources to help learn "What to do when help is NOT on the way")

The Survival Homesteader  (helping create freedom through knowledge, preparedness and self sufficiency thru the blog, product reviews + magazine)

The Survival Mom  (tips, resources, videos, etc from a Mom's perspective. Also check out Lisa's book called Survival Mom)
Survival Weekly  (blog, message board, videos and information to help families prepare) 
Survivor Jane  (survival preparedness for women, Creator of #PrepperTalk [follow @SurvivorJane nightly on Twitter at 6p Eastern]) (open forum of knowledge relating to emergency preparedness, personal security, modern and primitive means of survival, and self-reliance
Wilderness Medicine and Disaster Preparedness  (educational blog based on the principles of wilderness and disaster medicine. Links and info concerning these fields of medicine are provided)


VENDORS w/ SURVIVAL & PREPAREDNESS PRODUCTS + RESOURCES (survival planning information and guides, disaster preparedness products, CERT kits, etc)

Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, LLC (nonprofit org helps members learn about what happens in criminal justice system after a self-defense shooting)

Battle Boy Surplus  (Veteran owned / Govt military surplus field gear, etc.)
Cleanwaste  (sanitation products like WAG BAGs, Pee-Wee bags, Poo Powder, etc)

The Cure, Inc.  (first aid, safety & survival products, training, etc.)

Depiction  (mapping, simulation and collaboration software used in emergency preparedness and response by professionals, volunteers and families.)  (Diatomaceous Earth for your health as well as your plants and animals)

Emergency Essentials  (disaster preparedness products, kits, etc.)

Emergency Lifeline  (disaster kits for businesses, schools, consumers, etc) 

Emergency Supplies and Survival kits  (emergency kits for adults, children and pets, earthquake and disaster survival kits for home, car, office, hunting, camping, etc)

Extreme Survival Gear Review  (reviews, vids and resources about survival gear + online Survival store)

Freeze Dry Guy  (foods specifically designed for long term storage)

Get Ready Gear  (first aid and survival kits & products, SAR / CERT kits, etc.)

Gluten Free Emergency Kits  (prepares gluten free survival kits in case of a disaster)  (preparedness products, CERT supplies, emergency kits and foods, great newsletter and blog, etc)

KI4U  (products & free resources for nuclear preparedness)

Life-line Water Purifiers  (full line of water purifiers including tips for a homemade water purification system)

Major Surplus & Survival  (disaster preparedness / recreational products, etc.)
Millers Grain House  (various mills, grains, bread machines, appliances, tutorials, Q&As, etc)
Mixes from the Heartland  (gluten-free foods for everyday and long-term storage)  (emergency preparedness & safety products, CERT kits & supplies, etc.)  (emergency preparedness products, interactive forum, videos, etc)
Prepper Logo store  (American Preppers Network's cafepress store with APN T-shirts, water bottles, etc)  (radiation detection devices & free resources for nuclear preparedness)

Ready Made Resources  (solar & preparedness products, military gear, communications eqpmt, food & water storage, etc)

The Ready Store  (emergency preparedness & safety products, food storage supplies, etc)
Safecastle  (trailers & shelters, emergency and survival products & supplies, etc)
Steves Greenhouses  (providing greenhouse kits and plans at reasonable prices)  (emergency preparedness & first aid kits, food storage supplies, seeds, etc)
Survive In Place  (complete multi-media course that helps you create a usable survival plan for your family, one step at a time) (discount suppliers of Survival Kits, Supplies, print materials, etc)

Survivor Industries
  (disaster preparedness products, kits, etc.)

Your Safety Place  (emergency preparedness & safety products, CERT kits & supplies, etc.)

120 Useful Books For Your EOTW Library

Ever since I started prepping, I have always realized the importance of books; both in a pre and post survival situation. Whether you’re learning now or gathering books that you may need in the future,  this list is to help you fill your library with the right kind of books.
  1. Country Wisdom & Know-how
  2. Tom Browns Guide to Edible & Medicinal Plants
  3. Gardening When It Counts
  4. Crisis Preparedness Handbook: A Complete Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival
  5. Woodcraft and Camping by George “Nessmuk” Sears
  6. Camping and Woodcraft by Horace Kephart
  7. The Way of the Woods by Edward Breck
  8. Camp Craft by Warren Miller
  9. Camp Life in the Woods and the Tricks of Trapping and Trap Making by William H. Gibson
  10. Woodsmanship by Bernard Mason
  11. The Sportsman’s Workshop by Warren H. Miller
  12. Bushcraft, Scouting, and Woodlore Notes by Dr. R.W. Oelslager
  13. SAS Survival Handbook
  14. The Outdoor Survival Handbook: A Guide To The Resources & Material Available In The Wild & How To Use Them For Food, Shelter, Warmth, & Navigation
  15. Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills, Third Edition
  16. Outdoor Survival Handbook: A Guide To The Resources And Materials Available In The Wild And How To Use Them For Food, Shelter,Warmth And Navigation
  17. Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills
  18. The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead
  19. The Survivors Club: The Secrets and Science that Could Save Your Life
  20. Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Family Safe in a Crisis
  21. SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation
  22. Hatchet
  23. The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse
  24. When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes
  25. Lord of the Flies (Perigee)
  26. Robinson Crusoe (Enriched Classics (Pocket))
  27. Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why
  28. When Technology Fails (Revised & Expanded): A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency
  29. What to Do When the Power Fails: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-191 (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin, a-191)
  30. Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life
  31. Primitive Skills and Crafts: An Outdoorsman’s Guide to Shelters, Tools, Weapons, Tracking, Survival, and More
  32. Just in Case
  33. US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76
  34. Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild (and Not So Wild) Places
  35. 98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive
  36. Emergency Disaster Survival Guidebook
  37. Storey’s Basic Country Skills: A Practical Guide to Self-Reliance
  38. The Self-Sufficiency Specialist: The Essential Guide to Designing and Planning for Off-Grid Self-Reliance (Specialist Series)
  39. The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-sufficient Living in the Heart of the City (Process Self-reliance Series)
  40. Country Wisdom & Know-How
  41. Natural Healing Wisdom & Know How: Useful Practices, Recipes, and Formulas for a Lifetime of Health
  42. The Self-Sufficiency Handbook
  43. Living off the Grid: A Simple Guide to Creating and Maintaining a Self-reliant Supply of Energy, Water, Shelter and More
  44. Toolbox for Sustainable City Living: A do-it-Ourselves Guide
  45. When There Is No Doctor: Preventive and Emergency Healthcare in Uncertain Times (Process Self-reliance Series)
  46. Makeshift Workshop Skills
  47. Where There Is No Dentist
  48. Depression 2.0: Creative Strategies for Tough Economic Times (Process Self-reliance Series)
  49. The Big Book of Self-Reliant Living, 2nd: Advice and Information on Just About Everything You Need to Know to Live on Planet Earth (Big Book of Self-Reliant Living: Advice & Information on Just)
  50. The Self-sufficient Life and How to Live It
  51. The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!
  52. Fresh Food from Small Spaces: The Square-Inch Gardener’s Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting, and Sprouting
  53. Made from Scratch: Discovering the Pleasures of a Handmade Life
  54. The Encyclopedia of Country Living
  55. Country Wisdom Almanac: 373 Tips, Crafts, Home Improvements, Recipes, and Homemade Remedies
  56. Caveman Chemistry: 28 Projects, from the Creation of Fire to the Production of Plastics
  57. Long-Term Survival in the Coming Dark Age: Preparing to Live After Society Crumbles
  58. Possum Living: How to Live Well Without a Job and with (Almost) No Money
  59. Deliberate Life: The Ultimate Homesteading Guide
  60. Independence Days: A Guide to Sustainable Food Storage & Preservation
  61. Thriving During Challenging Times: The Energy, Food and Financial Independence Handbook
  62. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Self-Sufficient Living
  63. Total Resistance
  64. Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition
  65. Compact Cabins: Simple Living in 1000 Square Feet or Less; 62 Plans for Camps, Cottages, Lake Houses, and Other Getaways
  66. Homegrown Whole Grains: Grow, Harvest, and Cook Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rice, Corn and More
  67. The Freedom Outlaw’s Handbook: 179 Things to Do ‘Til the Revolution
  68. Tappan on Survival
  69. Cookin’ with Home Storage
  70. Aboman’s Guide to Survival & Self-Reliance: Practical Skills for Interesting Times
  71. Deerskins Into Buckskins: How To Tan With Natural Materials, a Field Guide for Hunters and Gatherers
  72. Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game
  73. Build a Smokehouse: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-81 (A Storey country wisdom bulletin)
  74. Emergency Preparedness The Right Way
  75. PREPAREDNESS NOW!: An Emergency Survival Guide for Civilians and Their Families
  76. Organize for Disaster: Prepare Your Family and Your Home for Any Natural Or Unnatural Disaster
  77. Survival: How a Culture of Preparedness Can Save You and Your Family from Disasters
  78. The Secure Home
  79. Strategic Relocation
  80. How to Survive Anything, Anywhere: A Handbook of Survival Skills for Every Scenario and Environment
  81. The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes – and Why
  82. The Survivor Personality: Why Some People Are Stronger, Smarter, and More Skillful at Handling Life’s Difficulties…and How You Can Be, Too
  83. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Disaster Preparedness
  84. The Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide: The Smartest Money Moves to Prepare for Any Crisis
  85. The Edge of Disaster: Rebuilding a Resilient Nation
  86. Tom Brown’s Guide to City and Suburban Survival (Field Guide)
  87. Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants
  88. Catastrophe: Risk and Response
  89. Build the Perfect Survival Kit
  90. The Ultimate Storm Survival Handbook
  91. How To Bury Your Goods: The Complete Manual of Long Term Underground Storage
  92. Wilderness Evasion: A Guide To Hiding Out and Eluding Pursuit in Remote Areas
  93. Trapper’s Bible: Traps, Snares & Pathguards
  94. Survival Retreat: A Total Plan For Retreat Defense
  95. The SAS Guide to Tracking, New and Revised
  96. Finding Your Way Without Map or Compass
  97. The Special Forces Guide to Escape and Evasion
  98. Tracking–Signs of Man, Signs of Hope: A Systematic Approach to the Art and Science of Tracking Humans
  99. The Modern Survival Retreat
  100. Tom Brown’s Science and Art of Tracking
  101. Tactical Tracking Operations
  102. The Way of the Scout: A Native American Path to Finding Spiritual Meaning in a Physical World
  103. A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game
  104. A Year’s Supply In “Seven Days”
  105. Emergency Preparedness Made Easy
  106. Cook This, Not That!: Kitchen Survival Guide
  107. Not Without Hope
  108. A Canticle for Leibowitz
  109. Earth Abides
  110. The Road
  111. Alas Babylon
  112. Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse: A Novel of the Turbulent Near Future
  113. Making The Best Of Basics
  114. The Ultimate Guide to US Army Survival Skills, Tactics & Techniques
  115. Camping & Wilderness Survival
  116. US Army Survival Guide
  117. Home Disaster Preparedness
  118. Emergency Preparedness for Facilities: A Guide to Safety Planning and Business Continuity
  119. Beginners Guide to Family Preparedness
  120. Preparedness Principles: The Complete Personal Preparedness Resource Guide for Any Emergency Situation