During a SHTF situation it will be important for your kids to feel as safe and secure as possible. Having their own child sized Bug Out Bag filled with familiar items and comfort foods can be a real life saver during an emergency.
With children comfort items often become a top priority to ensure their overall mental health during a SHTF scenario.
What Items should go into a kids bug out bag:
Basic Survival Items: Make sure they are light weight and age appropriate, heavier items and gear should be in the adults bags.
- Flash light
- Emergency whistle (clipped to the outside of pack so they can easily find it if they become separated from you)
- Laminated emergency contact list with name, home address, and telephone numbers.
- Pre paid cell phone
- Poncho
- Extra socks, pair of gloves and knit hat or bandana (depending on your climate)
- Dust mask
- Goggles
- Small pocket knife for the older kids
- Band aids & wipes
- Small bottle of hand sanitizer
Comfort Items
- Stuffed animals
- A couple small light weight toys
- Pack of playing cards or travel size games
- Baseball or small Nerf football
- Harmonica
- An Ipod or small device to play games and listen to music
- Hard candy
- Bubble gum
- Sugar packets
- Trail mix
- Drink mix packets
Remember a kids bug out bag is not meant to be an adult BOB. It’s main purpose is to comfort your child during a stressful situation and give them a feeling of control. With younger children comfort items are a top priority and will help to ensure their overall mental health.
Make sure you customize the bag for your child’s age, personality and overall fitness level.
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