Survival Gardening: Part 1

Supply Chain
In our modern society these basics come to us generally without much thinking, they are easily
It is best to have storage of food and other necessities for up to a year if possible in order to get all the way through a season of difficulty. One inexpensive and simple way to build that storage is to grow much of it yourself with seeds and a garden. Outside our building at Wilderness Innovation are two planters about 6 feet long and 2 feet wide. Last year I put in 5 tomato cages, each 2 feet in diameter and 4 feet high that I made out of field fence wire. We easily got over 600 pounds of tomatoes. The plants cost me about $5 and there was little other expense to grow them. We chose to make salsa out of most of them, since we can use it in so many things. This is an example of how you can grow a lot in a little bit of space. (See book – Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times)
Start Small
I believe it is vital for everyone to grow some food where they live, no matter how small an
What do you grow? If you haven’t gardened before, start small with just a few things you like. Peas are great and they can start when it’s still cool. Then you can grow bush beans, carrots or potato’s. If you are in the U.S., you can contact the local Extension Service office and find out what’s best in your area and get helpful tips on when to start and what the favored varieties are, also guys like me blog and make videos that may be helpful. Years ago I took a Master Gardener certification course, after graduation I taught classes, and wound up starting my own Market Garden where we sold from a stand on the road.
You don’t have to go big though, some people don’t have much space available, I lived in a city in

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