Fukushima Radioactive Seawater Impact Map
Remember Fukushima: Presenting The Radioactive Seawater Impact Map
A few days after the one year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster,
nobody talks about it anymore. After all it’s “fixed”, and if it isn’t,
the Fed will fix it. Remember in the New Normal nothing bad is allowed
the happen. So for those who have forgotten, here is a reminder.
From ASR, a global coastal and marine consulting firm, The Radioactive Seawater Impact Map

We use a Lagrangian particles dispersal method to track where free
floating material (fish larvae, algae, phytoplankton, zooplankton…)
present in the sea water near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
power station plant could have gone since the earthquake on March 11th.
Since we do not know exactly how much contaminated water and at what
concentration was released into the ocean, it is impossible to estimate
the extent and dilution of the plume. However, field monitoring by TEPCO
showed concentration of radioactive Iodine and Cesium higher than the
legal limit during the next two months following the event (with a peak
at more than 100 Bq/cm3 early April 2011 for I-131 as shown by the
following picture).
Assuming that a part of the passive biomass could have been
contaminated in the area, we are trying to track where the radionuclides
are spreading as it will eventually climb up the food chain. The
computer simulation presented here is obtained by continuously releasing
particles at the site during the 2 months folllowing the earthquake and
then by tracing the path of these particles. The dispersal model is
ASR’s Pol3DD. The model is forced by hydrodynamic data from the
HYCOM/NCODA system which provides on a weekly basis, daily oceanic
current in the world ocean. The resolution in this part of the Pacific
Ocean is around 8km x 8km cells. We are treating only the sea surface
currents. The dispersal model keeps a trace of their visits in the model
cells. The results here are expressed in number of visit per surface
area of material which has been in contact at least once with the highly
concentrated radioactive water.
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